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Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry 9.jpg

Famous Architect’s building

Our first assignment is an individual assignment. We are required to study one building from a great architect and derive the meaning of the material used. I've chosen the Disney Concert Hall location at Los Angeles by Frank Ghery.

In 1987, Lilian Disney donated $50 million. Establish a concert hall in honor of her late husband, Walt. Frank Gehry was selected. His proposal was largely oriented toward the public, with much of the site allocated to open gardens.





White Bust

Reflection of Mine

Regrading to the TGC, I found 'Intrapersonal Skills​' .

I used to be very unconfident with my drawings and knowledge in the technical parts of the buildings. I can only manage to find similar structure from online and copy as my detail drawing cause I have 0 knowledge on the terminologies of construction.

But, after this module, I've learn a lot of new knowledge during the building and material conventions which is veyr helpful in my following sems. At least I've known how to construct a concrete slab, roof wall and staircase. beside, I've learn multiple types of roof and staircase layout which can broad up the design limit of my future spatial design.


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